Monday, October 25, 2010

capture 7

I was out of town on tuesday but on thursday of this last week I went and observed at Salem High School. The teacher there was chewing out the kids because they were getting lazy. The kids were supposed to be doing the video school news for the school but they were simply taking clips from ESPN and CNN. One thing the teacher did that I thought was probably effective was he was realistic, he showed them examples from other schools of what he was hoping for approximate, he was also in a good mood. I think if a teacher needs to reprimand his class, his demeanor should still be friendly or else the students may think that the teacher is attacking, rather than correcting. I thought the teacher we observed did a great job of doing just that. We only got to observe one period because of a school assembly and the only thing that happened during that hour was the reprimand so it was fairly one dimensional.

There is, however, one more thing I'd like to comment on. I talked with a few of the students at the end of the period and I found out that the classes range from freshman to senior and some students take it all through high school. I really really like that. I like it because one of the things I'm looking forward to as a tech teacher is to have students multiple times through high school so I can really get deep into material with them. I'll have a chance to be able to not only teach them the subject but get them to a point where they can really run with it. They can become proficient in the subject by the end of high school.


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