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All teachers have their own style, but all students do as well. In order for a teacher to reach all students, they must have an effective teaching philosophy. My teaching philosophy is that a teacher should want to teach their subject material.
When a teacher wants to teach their subject, a number of other things fall into place. The teacher will naturally be excited about what they are teaching which will help the students enjoy the class period. When the students are enjoying the class period it will be easier for them to pay attention.
When a teacher wants to teach their subject they will care about the student learning, because they will want the student to come to understand and perhaps love the subject as much as they do. They will take extra pains to make sure that the subject is taught well and the students are receiving a good education.
A teacher who teaches because he needed a job, and not because he loves teaching, is not a teacher who will reach as many students as he could have if he loved teaching. I firmly believe in that, and it is one of the reasons that my teaching philosophy includes the phrase, "want to teach."
I learned a long time ago that when a person learns anything, they learn very much through example. They learn the things that are communicated non-verbally and they learn how to pass that knowledge they gained to another person. This is one of the reasons that a teacher who wants to teach, and gets to teach what they want, is so crucial. The students will learn more than just what is being taught. They will learn that it is exciting to share knowledge and helps others learn and grow.
In conclusion, I believe there are many components that make a teacher effective but one is more important than the rest. Important components such as humor, activities, good lectures, and so on help--however, the most important element in my teaching philosophy is to make sure that the person teaching wants to be teaching, and is teaching something they love.
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